

The Municipal library of Kozani called "Kovendareios" is the second biggest in Greece, and it has 150,000 books, rare publications, valuable documents, and one of the rare copies of Rigas Feraios Charter. For this reason Kozani was included in the National Cultural Network of Cities with object the promotion of the Book and Reading. Thus it was established the Institute of Book and Reading and Kozani is known as city of Book.


Kozani carnival

The most interesting local celebration during the carnival are the Fanoi great bonfires, which lit at the squares of Kozani. Around them, people sing and dance mainly scoptic songs and local dances, such as the most known song in the region - the Enteka of Kozani (http://www.apokries-kozanis.gr/kozanitiko-takimi/08-Edeka%2011.mp3, (http://apokries-kozanis.g...), often called Kozani's "national anthem". All celebrations become more exciting on the Sunday of the last week, after the carnival parade, when bonfires are lit all over the town which burn until the early morning hours.

Lassaneia festival

Events on the end of summer, which constist theatrical representations, concerts, athletic events etc. They are named "Lassaneia" from Georgios Lassanis, who was from Kozani and participated in the Greek War of Independence.

Niaimeros fair

Fair in the north side of the city in the Niaimeros place. It takes place in the first Tuesday of October. It was lasting 9 days niaimeros = nine days, but now it lasts only 3 days.

Local holidays

11 October - celebration for the liberation of the city from the Turks.

6 December - Saint Nicolas day, Kozani's patron.

The municipal Band is named Pandora. It is founded in 1902, and it takes part in all the events and celebrations.


Kozani was probably founded by Christian settlers who, after the Ottoman conquest, withdrew from the plains of Macedonia into the mountains, during 14th and 15th century.